Dr Obeid

Various Qurʾān Programmes in the Cape The Cape was blessed with a visit by one of the leading Qurʾānic scholars in the world, Dr ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ ibn Muḥammad al-ʿUbayd. Born in Saudi Arabia, 1966, Dr ʿAbd Allah has travelled the world in his quest for knowledge, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, […]
Inaugural Graduation

Our inaugural graduation will in-sha Allah be held on the 5th of December at Islamia Masjid, where one and all are invited to come and see students completing various Qiraa’aat. This graduation will mark a historic moment for all South Africans, as we witness the first female in South Africa completing all Ten Qiraa’aat after […]
Orientation Evening – Review

Alhamdulillah, last Wednesday we held our first ever orientation evening, at “The Venue” in Lansdowne. The aim of this event was to inform the community as to what al-Tanzil has to offer. The evening began with a recitation of the Qur’an from one of the students at al-Tanzil, Hafith Abdullah Petersen. This recitation gave the […]
Kisaa’ee Program Launched!

Alhamdulillah, our new project on the completion of the Qiraa’ah of Kisaa’ee in 60 sittings has officially begun. Fourteen individuals who met the qualification criteria registered to be part of this program. The project is uniquely devised in a manner which allows each student to recite to those teachers who are most easily accessible to them. They are thus not […]