Kisai Halaqaat

The Muslims of the Cape are not unacquainted with gatherings of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and halaqaat (circles of learning) of Quranic recitation. Concerning the latter, special groups were formed to take part in these recitals named “bacha jama’ahs” (assembly of reciters). Though they might differ slightly to the manner in which they were conducted […]
The Illuminating Lamp

المصباح المنير على متشابهات القرآن المجيد – The Illuminating Lamp concerning the Resembling Verses of the Magnificent Qur’an This is a compilation of the Mutashabihat of the Holy Qur’an. Use it to look up any ayah of the Qur’an and find all the other ayat which resemble it. The aim behind it is to assist all huffaz and students of the Qur’an […]
Maintaining Hifzul Qur’an

I’ve seen a lot of articles on the net about tips on how to become a Hafiz. But I’ve yet to come across any which deals with what to do after one has attained that – how does one thereafter adequately maintain one’s Hifz? Because that is really the hard part. Becoming a Hafiz is […]
Make Your Children Huffaz!

All parents want the best for their children. They sacrifice themselves – their time, their money, their health – for the enjoyment and well-being of their kids. And so they send them off to school, because they know that that is in their best interests. If the children had any say in the matter, they […]
A Warning for the Huffaz

The reward from Allah (swt) for committing the Glorious Qur’an to memory is very great. The ahadith elaborating this are many, as well as those explaining the high status of the one who has memorised the Qur’an. Nowadays we call such a person a ‘Hafiz al-Qur’an – the protector of the Qur’an’ but in the […]
Encouragement for the Huffaz

Death is approaching quickly. Soon we will be raised up to face the Reckoning and that will be the most severe day we will ever endure. That is the day you would see every woman giving milk to her child casting aside that baby. Every pregnant woman would miscarry and abort her baby due to […]